Jun 21Liked by Michelle Aronson

Made this for dinner on a girls trip to Morehead City last weekend and it was so good especially the tzatziki. Served with and orzo salad with Kalamata olives and feta. Yum

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ohh a ladies beach trip sounds so lovely! I'm so glad that this kabob recipe was a winner.. love the combo with an orzo salad + kalamata olives!

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Jun 9Liked by Michelle Aronson

You are awesome!! So glad you saw the rainbow telling you the same thing.

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Thanks so much for the kind words!!

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Hey! Just a quick note to say I have a severe peanut allergy. I'm 37 now but it started as a baby and got worse through to full blown anaphylaxis at age 13. I can honestly say although I have to be careful and places like Thailand are not on my travel list, life is normal. I travel, I eat in restaurants, I just carry my allergy warning translation abroad and my epipens everywhere. I'm so glad my parents never made a too bigger deal about it all, it was just a fact and that was it. Things have also definitely got easier as awareness if far better than it was in the 90s! P.S the kebab recipe looks delicious! 😍

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Hi Amy, thank you for sharing! It's so encouraging to hear that you've been able to travel and explore and live a normal life despite having a peanut allergy... hearing stories like yours has made me so much more hopeful, so thank you. :)

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oooh i just did some pork kebabs kind of up this alley for a future issue of my newsletter and i was reminded how good kebabs are. these look great!

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I know, right?! Kebabs (kabobs? haha I'm not sure how to spell it) are always a good idea

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Hey Michelle - What a character-building few weeks! I can't imagine having to wait for weeks to see an allergist. Just a suggestion for the future in case one needs to know lab results sooner - in the Sprouts shopping center on route 54 (near Southpoiont) is a walk in lab. I believe they do food allergy testing, as well as vitamin and mineral levels, etc. They've been there a long time (over 10 yaers) and I've used them throughout the years.

In 11th grade, a teacher had us record interesting phrases when one crossed our path. This one has always stuck with me : "Try to stay surprised enough at Life to notice something new if you trip over it". So glad you caught that rainbow message from the universe! Keep those antennae up and I agree with the universe - this is just a tiny blip in a much bigger picture - everything will be OK! Ricki

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Thanks Ricki! That's good to know about the local walk-in lab for future testing if we need it. And thanks for the kind and encouraging message, it means so much!

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Hello Michelle.

My heart goes out to you,and thanks for your blog. The rainbow is Gods way of saying you’re in the right place doing the right thing!

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Thank you Jillian!

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